How to End a Sympathy Card From Family

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Why ship a sympathy card?
  • Who to address a sympathy card to
  • How to address a sympathy carte du jour
  • Faith and sympathy cards
  • Short condolence messages
  • Sympathy for the loss of a mother
  • Sympathy for the loss of a father
  • What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a wife
  • What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a husband
  • What to write in a sympathy bill of fare for the loss of a sister
  • What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a brother
  • What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a kid
  • What to write in a sympathy bill of fare for a miscarriage and loss of a baby
  • What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a friend
  • What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a grandparent
  • What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a pet
  • Quotes for sympathy cards
  • How to stop a sympathy card
  • General tips for writing a sympathy bill of fare
  • Sympathy carte du jour message examples
  • What to gift alongside a sympathy card
  • Follow up on your sympathy card


In this definitive guide, we have a deep dive into how to write a sympathy card — including why to ship one, how to address information technology, and plenty of ideas for what y'all tin can write — alongside what'due south best non to write.

Read through our detailed guide and learn how best to convey your condolences to friends, family unit and acquaintances when they lose a loved one.

Yous tin can express your sympathy to others in many means, but null is held as shut every bit a handwritten sympathy card during and after periods of such deep grief.

Why not bookmark this guide now, so y'all can refer back to information technology when you next come to write a sympathy card?

Why send a sympathy card?

Purple text saying 'Why send a sympathy card?', surrounded by green foliage

If you are wondering if you can just text a sympathy message instead — the short answer is no.

Of course, you lot tin send a text bulletin to the grieving person or family, but make certain you send a sympathy card too.

A quick message sent via your telephone takes seconds and therefore doesn't evidence you intendance as much equally a card that has been chosen, bought (or fabricated), handwritten and posted or manus-delivered.

Sympathy cards are oft displayed effectually the home for weeks after a loss; a physical reminder of the love and back up being offered by each sender.

Also, a sympathy card, note or letter will be read and re-read over time, providing lasting support during the recipient'due south darkest hours.

Sending a sympathy card is an act of love that volition be appreciated and remembered — more ever in this digital age.

Who to address a sympathy bill of fare to

Purple text saying 'Who to address a sympathy card to', surrounded by green foliage.

Beginning things kickoff, who should you accost the carte to? Practise you address a sympathy card to the entire family unit or just one person?

This is a common question, and then here is a simple guide for addressing your bill of fare.

If yous knew the deceased well, accost your note to the closest living relative or relatives – commonly the wife/husband or eldest child.

If y'all didn't know the deceased, only your friend or relative was a close friend or close relative of the deceased, write to them.

If a friend is bereaved, write to your friend.

Remember, you lot tin always add an "and family" onto the end of your greeting if y'all wish.

Addressing a sympathy bill of fare to a widow or widower can create some confusion as the person the individual was married to has died; however, you should still address the person as Mr or Mrs — the individual is still a husband or wife and would almost certainly like to be addressed equally such.

How to accost a sympathy card envelope

Address the envelope formally, with titles and full names, using the archetype rules.

Religion and sympathy cards

Purple text saying 'Religion & sympathy cards', surrounded by green foliage.

If yous or the recipient are religious, so you may be wondering if it would be okay to send the bereaved a sympathy card or if you should include a religious bulletin.

Bible verses for sympathy cards

If you or the card recipient are Christian, then perhaps a Bible verse or verses could provide comfort during this difficult fourth dimension.

The aforementioned, of course, goes for other religions.

Here are some suitable examples from the Bible that might bring comfort to Christians:

  • "Blest are those who mourn, for they shall exist comforted." – Matthew 5:4
  • "Fear not, for I am with you; be non dismayed, for I am your God; I volition strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." – Isaiah 41:10
  • "Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." – Matthew xi:28
  • "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who beloved him, who take been called co-ordinate to his purpose." — Romans viii:28

Can you ship a sympathy carte to a Muslim?

There can be confusion around organized religion from those exterior of faith, then, if yous aren't a Muslim yourself and were wondering if you can send a sympathy card to a Muslim, the answer is yes, absolutely; a note of condolence would be much appreciated.

Here are some Islamic condolences you might like to use:

  • May Allah give him/her an easy and pleasant journey and shower blessings on their grave.
  • May Omnipotent Allah give you lot patience and ease to pass through these trials.
  • May the Almighty Allah expand his/her grave and give him/her eternal peace. Allah is always merciful towards people who believe in him.
  • May Allah grant him/her eternal peace.

Can you send a sympathy card to a Jehovah'south Witness?

We have seen people online questioning if you can send a Jehovah's Witness a sympathy bill of fare when they suffer a loss, and the answer is aye, certainly; just exist careful to avoid sending a card featuring Christian imagery — such as a cross — or bearing a Christian message.

Likewise, be mindful of what you write inside the card; if you are unsure of what to write regarding the Jehovah's Witness religion and are worried virtually writing the wrong affair, then go on your bulletin entirely costless of the mention of faith.

Short condolence letters

Purple text saying 'Short condolence messages', surrounded by green foliage.

Below are some brusque, generic messages that convey your condolences. If you weren't close to the deceased or aren't peculiarly close to the bereaved, and so a concise bulletin is ideal.

If y'all are wondering what to write in a sympathy carte to someone you don't know very well — such as a client at work, a co-worker, or a neighbour — so the below phrases could be just what yous are looking for.

Alternatively, these ideas can be combined with personalised messages and quotes to event in a longer piece.

  • I'thousand thinking of you
  • I'm thinking of y'all during this difficult time
  • You're in my thoughts
  • I am so sorry for your loss
  • You are in my prayers
  • My deepest sympathy
  • My sincere sympathy
  • Delight have my condolences
  • With warmest condolences
  • With heartfelt condolences
  • My middle goes out to you at this difficult time
  • My heart goes out to you at this time of sorrow
  • I am deeply sorry to hear about the death of [insert name]
  • I am deeply deplorable to hear about the passing of [insert name]
  • Wishing y'all peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days alee, and loving memories to forever hold dearest in your hearts
  • With love
  • With love and hugs
  • With beloved at this sad time
  • Sending you and the family love
  • With thoughts of peace and courage for yous
  • I volition miss [insert proper noun] very much
  • May you exist comforted by the outpouring of honey surrounding you lot
  • May your middle and soul discover peace and condolement
  • I was very saddened to hear that [insert name] passed abroad
  • I am missing [insert proper name] forth with you
  • I am sharing in your sadness as y'all recall [insert name]
  • Thinking of you as you celebrate [insert name]'s life
  • Thinking of you and hoping you are doing OK
  • God bless
  • Wishing you peace
  • Wishing you healing
  • With you in sorrow
  • I am sharing your sadness
  • Sending caring thoughts your style
  • [Insert name] will live in my memories forever
  • [Insert proper name] will be sadly missed
  • Words cannot even begin to express my sorrow
  • Please call back that you are not lonely, and I am ever here for you
  • May your happy memories give you peace and comfort during this challenging fourth dimension
  • My center is aching for your loss

While a brusque bulletin is perfectly acceptable for a sympathy card addressed to someone you lot aren't close to, carry in mind that just writing "Honey Brian, from Simone" isn't really enough and could come beyond nonchalant or uncaring.

Sympathy for the loss of a female parent

The words 'What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a mother' alongside leaves

The bond between female parent and child is oftentimes unique and unbreakable.

Often, a mum's presence in a child's life doesn't waver; they support their children through thick and thin with beloved and guidance — and this doesn't cease when the child reaches machismo.

The loss of a mother is devastating. Here are a few ideas of messages to include in a sympathy card for someone who has lost their mother:

  • When I think of your mother, I call up of a strong, confident woman who would take done anything to protect her children and ensure their happiness.
  • Living without the one person who had loved you unconditionally all your life – even before yous were born – must be so difficult. I am sending my nearly sincere condolences on the loss of your honey mother.
  • Words cannot brainstorm to express the pain you lot must exist feeling at the loss of your mother, the irreplaceable woman who brought y'all into the world and loved you unconditionally throughout your life.
  • I was so lamentable to learn of your mother's passing. She was a wonderful woman who will be truly missed by many.
  • Mums remain in our hearts forever, even after they pass abroad. I am so sorry for your loss.
  • Information technology takes a special person to be a Mum, merely it takes an actress special Mum to bring up a wonderful kid. Your Mum was clearly i of the all-time. I am so lamentable for your loss.
  • Mothers carry their children in their hearts, and children carry mothers in their hearts also. Continue your Mum there, and carry her memory with you lot ever. She was a wonderful woman, and I am so sorry for your loss.
  • Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of your mother. From all I heard nigh her, she was a wonderful woman to be admired. What wonderful memories you must have of her.

Sympathy for the loss of a male parent

The words 'what to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a father' alongside foliage

Losing a parent changes children (and adult children) immeasurably.

Whether the death was expected or not, nothing can ever ready someone for their dad'southward decease, and they will experience that loss forever.

Below are a few ideas for what to write in a sympathy menu for the loss of a dad:

  • Your father was ane of the nicest people I knew, and I know that he was a smashing dad likewise. I am then sorry for your loss.
  • My condolences to you for the passing of your begetter. He was a wonderful man, and there will never be some other man like him.
  • Your father was ever talking well-nigh you and bragging about how wonderful you were. I promise y'all know that you lot meant the world to him. He was a great human being and volition exist sorely missed.
  • I am so sorry for your loss. Your father was a great man, and I know how close yous were to him. He will be missed by many.
  • I am distressing to hear of your father's passing. I volition remember him as a kind, funny homo who would practise annihilation to help anyone. You are in my thoughts at this difficult time.

What to write in a sympathy menu for the loss of a wife

Purple text saying 'What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a wife', surrounded by green foliage

Losing the woman you chose to spend the rest of your life with is absolutely heartbreaking.

The grieving partner will require lots of back up from friends and family unit in the coming weeks, months and years — only firstly, you might want to call back about sending the bereaved a sympathy card or note.

Here are some ideas of messages to include when writing a sympathy card for the loss of a wife:

  • Your married woman was a dear friend and a truly special person. I can't observe the words to express how hard this is. I'm sending my most heartfelt condolences; my thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.
  • I'one thousand so sorry for your loss. Your wife was much more than just a colleague; she was a true friend, and I will miss her dearly.
  • I'yard so sorry to hear of your married woman'southward passing. I know what an unbreakable bond the two of y'all had, and I can't even begin to empathise how difficult this must be for y'all.
  • My heart goes out to you during this terrible time. Your married woman was a wonderful woman, and I'll never forget her and all she taught me.
  • The world was a ameliorate place with your wife and mother in it, and I volition never forget her zest for life and cheeky grinning.
  • Your wife'south passing is absolutely devastating, and I'm sending you my sincere condolences.

What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a husband

Purple text saying 'What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a husband', surrounded by green foliage

When a husband passes away — unexpectedly or otherwise — their partner is left alone to deal with a whole host of emotions, including loss, fright and loneliness.

If you lot'd like to know what to write in a sympathy carte for the loss of a married man, we have some suggestions below:

  • I was so saddened to hear of your husband's passing. He will be sorely missed at work — he was a very pop fellow member of the team thanks to his sense of humour and caring nature.
  • You lot are in my thoughts at this terrible fourth dimension. Your husband was a wonderful homo, and will never be forgotten.
  • My center goes out to you and your family on the loss of your love husband. [Insert name] was one of the most generous and kind-hearted souls I e'er met, and I'll never forget him.
  • I'yard so incredibly sorry for the loss of your husband and father. Please know that he will live on in all of our fond memories. For example, I will never forget the time he went on that rollercoaster at Thorpe Park!
  • Your married man volition be sorely missed. It was an absolute accolade to accept known him, and my life was better for him being in it—my deepest condolences.

What to write in a sympathy carte du jour for the loss of a sister

Purple text saying 'What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a sister', surrounded by green foliage.

The bond between siblings is magical; a childhood shared and a million memories.

Siblings are sometimes referred to as 'forgotten mourners', as a lot of the attention goes to the parents when their child dies.

Still, the passing of a sister is traumatic, and siblings need back up too, and so hither are some ideas for what you lot can write in a sympathy card for the loss of a sis:

  • Your sister may take passed, but her retentivity volition live on in my heart and mind. She was and is loved, and I'chiliad extremely sad for your loss.
  • She was your sister, and she was my 'sister from another mister'. My eye is broken at the loss of [insert name]; I will miss her dearly, and I'm and then deplorable for your loss.
  • I know you lot and your sister were close, and you are in my thoughts at this devastating time. She was a wonderful woman with a heart of gold, and there volition never be some other [proper noun].
  • Your sister was the strongest person I e'er met — mentally and physically. I will miss her every day, and I am sending you and the rest of the family unit, my deepest condolences.
  • I am securely sorry to hear well-nigh your sister's passing. I thought the world of her.

What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a brother

Purple text saying 'What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a brother', surrounded by green foliage.

The passing of a brother is a truly heartbreaking life result, just it can be tough to know what message to send their sibling.

Here are a few ideas on what to write in a sympathy carte for the loss of a brother:

  • I wish you and the family unit peace and comfort every bit you lot grieve the loss of [insert name]. Your brother was a great human; please know that he will forever live on in all of our memories.
  • Only those who are lucky enough to have a brother can understand the bail betwixt them and the pain of losing them. My middle is broken for your loss, and I wish I could bear some of the pain on your behalf.
  • "Sorry for your loss" doesn't seem enough to convey how truly pitiful I am to hear of the loss of the passing of your brother. My heart goes out to you as your process all of the emotions associated with such a devastating loss.
  • I'm so glad I met your blood brother at university, and I was always proud to phone call him a friend. [Insert proper name] was a true friend who supported me through thick and thin, and I'll never forget him. Please know I am here for you during this terrible fourth dimension and beyond.
  • [Insert proper noun] was never one to talk nearly his emotions, merely I know he loved and respected you profoundly, and I hope that brings y'all some condolement during this terrible time. Your brother was the life and soul of the party, and his retentivity will live on. I'm so sorry for your loss.

What to write in a sympathy bill of fare for the loss of a kid

The words 'what to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a child' in purple, next to green foliage

Nobody ever expects their child to laissez passer abroad before them, just sadly information technology sometimes happens and, when information technology does, information technology is tragic.

Knowing what to say when someone loses a son, daughter or immature person can seem impossible.

Here are a few ideas for what to write in a sympathy menu for the loss of a child:

  • The shadow cast by his parents certainly allowed him to smoothen brightly in his world. Healthy both to have raised [insert proper name] to be his ain homo and yet so remarkably like his parents.
  • If a woman is to be judged by her friends and family unit, [insert name] is to be judged at the highest level.
  • I feel as though I was blest to have been graced by [insert proper noun]'s big heart and kind personality. It is truly the mark of wonderful parents. Every bit of my heart goes out to you lot during this most difficult time.
  • I am truly sorry for your loss. The loss of a child is absolutely heart-breaking. My center aches for you lot and your family. [Insert name] was a wonderful child, and she will be terribly missed by and then many.
  • Words cannot express the sorrow and pain I feel for the loss of your son/daughter. [Insert proper name] will be greatly missed. With my deepest sympathy.

What to write in a sympathy carte for a miscarriage and loss of a baby

Purple text saying 'What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a baby', surrounded by green foliage.

The passing away of a babe is unthinkable, but, sadly, it does happen — before, during, and after birth.

Around one in iv pregnancies ends in miscarriage, for instance — each one absolutely devastating for the parents.

Thinking of the right message to write in a sympathy bill of fare for the loss of a infant can seem impossible, so nosotros've listed a few ideas below for you:

  • My middle breaks for you as your grieve for the baby yous never got to meet. I know how excited you lot both were to meet [insert proper noun or him/her], and I'm then, then sorry for your loss.
  • You lot're both in my thoughts equally you navigate the grief of losing your babe.
  • I'm and so sorry for your loss. Please know that each new life, no matter how brief, forever changes the world. I hope y'all observe comfort in that idea.
  • You and your baby are in my thoughts as you process this devastating loss.
  • I dear y'all, and I'm so sorry y'all are going through this terrible pain.
  • No words are enough to convey how lamentable I am to acquire of the death of [insert baby name]. Your earth must be in pieces correct now only please know I am here for y'all. Take all the fourth dimension you lot need to grieve and expect afterwards yourselves and each other.

Remember to address your card or note to both parents in the instance of a miscarriage; sometimes, the non-pregnant partner gets forgotten when they are grieving the loss of their baby likewise.

What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a friend

Purple text saying 'What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a friend', surrounded by green foliage.

The loss of a good friend tin be every bit heartbreaking as the loss of a family fellow member.

If someone you lot know has recently lost a friend, they would certainly appreciate a sympathy menu from you.

Here are some ideas for what to write in a sympathy carte du jour for the loss of a friend:

  • I'1000 sharing in your sadness equally y'all remember [insert name].
  • I know [insert name] was your favourite person, and I can't imagine what you lot are going through correct now as you grieve [his/her] passing. I'1000 so sorry for your loss.
  • I cannot imagine how much yous will miss [insert name]; I know how close you were, and the pain of this loss must be unbearable.
  • My heart goes out to you lot for the loss of your love friend, [insert name]. I can remember the 2 of you in that school play like it was yesterday, and I promise memories of the happy times you shared volition carry y'all forward through your grief.
  • I don't demand to tell you how wonderful [insert name] was, and then I know you will be in pain right now. Please accept my deepest condolences on the loss of your friend. [He was/she was/they were] the kindest person I knew and an incredible entrepreneur.

What to write in a sympathy menu for the loss of a grandparent

Purple text saying 'What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a grandparent', surrounded by green foliage.

The loss of a grandparent is often the first expiry that an individual faces in their lifetime; it is shocking and incredibly painful.

At this sad time, grandchildren who are teenage or adult tend to lend support to their parents and younger siblings when they also need support themselves.

Lend your support through a sympathy carte du jour for the loss of a grandparent:

  • I was and so saddened to hear well-nigh the passing of your grandma. She was a lovely lady with a kind soul; she also fabricated the best cakes I've ever tasted. Thinking of you.
  • I'thou thinking of you during this difficult time. Your grandad was a wonderful human, and I feel honoured to have heard stories of his early life over the years.
  • I'm sending you love as y'all grieve for the loss of your grandmother. I'll never forget [insert name] and her stubborn nature — she was a forcefulness to be reckoned with and a true inspiration.
  • I was saddened to hear of your grandfather'southward passing. I know you lot were close, and this volition be an incredibly difficult fourth dimension for you.
  • I'm so deplorable to hear almost the passing of your grandparent. Your nana will live on in your family unit'due south memories, and I hope that idea brings some comfort over the coming days, weeks, and years.

What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a pet

Purple text that says 'What to write in a sympathy card for the loss of a pet', alongside green foliage

The passing abroad of a true cat, canis familiaris, or other pet tin can sometimes be overlooked by the loved ones of the pet'southward possessor or owners; notwithstanding, the death is often a truly harrowing result for them.

Pets are their owner's best friend — always there to listen, play, relieve stress and anxiety, and ease loneliness.

Exist prepared side by side fourth dimension a beloved pet dies by sending a sympathy card containing a message along these lines:

  • May fond memories of [insert proper name] bring you peace and condolement at this hard time.
  • To lose a friend is never like shooting fish in a barrel. Please know that you are in my thoughts at this difficult time.
  • It is then difficult to say bye to such a special companion. My thoughts are with you.
  • Some pets are friends. Others are family. The loss of [insert proper name] can't be easy – he was a wonderful and loyal dog. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Pets never really exit us – they live on in our hearts and our fond memories.
  • You are in my thoughts following the sad passing of [insert proper noun]. Please know that she touched many lives with her lovely nature and unusual meow. She will be missed.

Quotes for sympathy cards

Purple text saying 'Quotes for sympathy cards', surrounded by green foliage.

Sometimes y'all might want to let someone else do the talking for y'all; in which example, quotes can exist incredibly helpful.

Alternatively, y'all may wish to heighten or support what y'all take already written by adding a suitable quote to your condolences.

We have provided some useful examples beneath, or you may wish to source your own.

  • "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die." – Thomas Campbell
  • "Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in time of sorrow." – Robert Louis Stevenson
  • "Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste fourth dimension. It tells us to tell each other correct at present that nosotros honey each other." — Leo Buscaglia
  • "In the terminate, it's not the years in your life that count. It'due south the life in your years." – Abraham Lincoln
  • "Those we love and lose are always continued by heartstrings into infinity." – Terri Guillemets
  • "I know for certain that nosotros never lose the people nosotros dear, fifty-fifty to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and determination nosotros make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives accept been enriched by having shared their love." – Leo Buscaglia
  • "Sorrow is and then piece of cake to express and yet so hard to tell." — Joni Mitchell
  • "How very softly yous tiptoed into our world, almost silently, simply a moment you stayed. Simply what an imprint your footsteps have left upon our hearts." – Dorothy Ferguson
  • "A great soul serves anybody all the time. A great soul never dies. Information technology brings united states together once more and again." — Maya Angelou
  • "Grief is non a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith. Information technology is the toll of love." — Unknown
  • "When the heart grieves over what it has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has left." — Sufi Epigram
  • "Equally a well-spent day brings happy slumber, so a life well spent brings happy decease." — Leonardo da Vinci

How to end a sympathy menu

Purple text saying 'How to end a sympathy card', surrounded by green foliage

You might be wondering how to sign a sympathy carte du jour or what a good closing is.

Closing ideas include phrases such as:

  • With beloved
  • Lots of dearest
  • Wishing you peace
  • You're in our thoughts
  • With caring thoughts
  • Thinking of you lot
  • In caring sympathy
  • With our deepest condolences
  • I'g here for you
  • With warm regards
  • With all our love and support

Full general tips for writing a sympathy card

Purple text that says 'Top tips for writing sympathy cards', surrounded by green foliage.

When personalising the sympathy bill of fare to your situation, remember to:

  • Select an advisable card. It doesn't have to be a sympathy card specifically – information technology could be a blank card with a neutral movie on the front, such every bit flowers or a landscape. Alternatively, you could brand your ain.
  • Take your time – don't write your sympathy menu in a rush.
  • Keep it short if you're struggling with what to write – it's better to send a carte du jour with a shorter message inside than a card containing a long, ill-informed message. However, all of the tips in this guide should help you to write a longer one.
  • Compliment the deceased.
  • Share a favourite memory of the deceased.
  • Say something uplifting – don't dwell on the negatives.
  • Offering practical help. Don't just write, "If y'all demand anything, y'all know where I am", as that is too vague and won't be taken up. Instead, offer a hand with specific practical tasks such as childcare, cooking or ironing. Don't make promises you tin can't keep, though; if you can't babysit for them every weekend for the adjacent six months, don't say you can!

What not to write in a sympathy card

Well-nigh of us struggle to write sympathy cards because nosotros are terrified of writing something that could farther upset, offend or acrimony the recipient.

What not to write is simply as important as what to write.

With all of this in mind, keep the post-obit phrases and topics out of your writing:

  • "You will…"
  • "You should…"
  • "I know exactly how you feel."
  • "He was too young…"
  • "It's for the best."
  • "They're in a meliorate place now."
  • "Y'all can always remarry" or "Yous'll meet someone else."
  • "At least they lived a long life."
  • "Everything happens for a reason."
  • "Information technology could be worse…"
  • "At least you lot have other children."
  • "It will get easier in time."
  • "It's fourth dimension for you lot to move on."
  • "Y'all'll get pregnant again…"
  • Any details well-nigh the fashion of the deceased's death

In summary, don't classify blame, don't discuss the circumstances of the death, don't offer advice, and don't tell them they volition feel better in X amount of time.

Put yourself in their shoes, and retrieve virtually the words which would bring you comfort at such a fourth dimension — and which words wouldn't.

Sympathy card message examples

Purple text saying 'Sympathy card examples', surrounded by green foliage

Here are a few examples to give you a feel for what to write in your own sympathy notes and cards.

LOSS OF A Father

Dear Sarah,

I am so lamentable for your loss. Steven was a wonderful human, with a eye of gold, and I will miss him dearly.

His express joy was infectious, and I'll never forget our camping ground trips in France.

He often spoke of your achievements during our games of golf game – a true sign of a proud parent. Yous meant the world to him, and I know the feeling was very much mutual.

Please know that you are in my thoughts at this difficult time, and I would be more than happy to look later Milo and Maude for you if you would like some time out. They are welcome to stay over at my house anytime.

Sending y'all and the family unit all my love.



Honey Stephanie,

I am deeply sorry to hear most the passing of Jennie. To me, she e'er seemed to be a whirlwind of fun and laughter, and I couldn't help but feel uplifted in her presence.

I know how shut you lot were, from sixth form onwards. I remember you were inseparable in Year 12 and were e'er sneaking into foam parties with simulated IDs!

"In the end, it'southward non the years in your life that count. It'due south the life in your years" – Abraham Lincoln

If y'all'd like some assistance with washing and ironing during this difficult time, please let me know. I tin collect and driblet it off once more, then you tin concentrate on looking after yourself.

Thinking of you lot,

Love from Louise


My dear friend Beth,

I was shocked and saddened to hear virtually Jamie's decease.

I cannot imagine the heartache you must experience and words seem so inadequate to express my sadness.

Jamie was a wonderful fellow — so kind and thoughtful — and I know he will be securely missed by many.

If I tin assist you lot out with meals, just permit me know –  I can cook you lot and the family some meals and drop them off, or I can come round to your house and cook. I'll call you nigh it in a few days.

Remembering with you, the life of your precious son.

Lots of love,


What to souvenir aslope a sympathy carte du jour

Purple text saying 'Sympathy gifts', surrounded by green foliage

A sympathy carte du jour lonely volition offer comfort to the grieving but, if you'd similar to send a gift of some sort too, then we have a few ideas for you.

The most common gift to ship the bereaved is a agglomeration of flowers. All the same, this can result in a house total of flowers and not enough vases.

Other appropriate ideas include:

  • Homecooked meals
  • Food gifts, such as desserts, chocolates, etc.
  • A potted establish
  • A candle
  • A clemency donation related to the deceased
  • Money — this isn't common in the UK but is more common in the Usa and elsewhere.
  • A memorial souvenir featuring a photograph or the name of the deceased
  • A photo anthology or scrapbook
  • Flower seeds to constitute in the deceased'due south memory

Follow up on your sympathy card

Purple text saying 'Follow up on your sympathy card', surrounded by green foliage

While it is lovely of you to send a sympathy card to someone who has recently been bereaved, it is also kind to follow upwards your bill of fare with further contact – whether that be in person, by telephone, email, or a letter of the alphabet.

The bereaved would capeesh it if you go in bear on on the anniversary of their loved one's death, too, to let them know y'all are thinking of them.

Offer support and whatever practical assist they might still need, and likewise — if they need to hear information technology — let them know that it is perfectly normal and OK for them to still be feeling sorry; grief is a lifelong process with no time limit.


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